Hello world! Thank you for visiting my pages and reading my words. I'm creating this blog to share all things birth, massage, and yoga...but mostly birth! I am a birth doula, massage therapist, and yoga instructor and find myself sharing and saying the same things over and over again with clients and friends. Education and learning are my passion! In this space, I will share those common topics, in addition to websites and videos that I like to frequent. I'd love for the content to be influenced by YOU, the readers. So...leave a comment: What do YOU want to read about?
Some may be cited, factual, evidence based information; some of it may be opinion pieces, and others, a little bit of both! As with all information, when it comes to making decisions for yourself, please do your own research, explore all options, and choose what is best for you. Anything that I say or share here is not to be taken as medical advice or otherwise. Please talk to your healthcare provider before implementing decisions that will affect you. This is a safe space to comment and share. Let's keep it positive! Feel free to like, share, comment, contact me. I look forward to it!
I appreciate you! Have a great day and be well!
